The registration fee includes registration materials, conference proceedings and refreshments.
Payment is being made at a bank or with a credit card.
Please visit the payment system below.
If you use the ATM or bank, please click here.
If you use your credit card, please read the explanation before payment.
Please confirm your payment. We don't make refunds.
Registration Fee
On or before August 31 After September 1
Full Delegate: 10,000 NTD 13,000 NTD
Student (presenter): 5,000 NTD 6,500 NTD
Banquet: 1,500 NTD 2,000 NTD
Accompany person 3,000 NTD 4,000 NTD
*Student free**
*audience without benefits from registration
** If desire, a proceeding booklet is available for 100 NTD.